At the beginning of the 14th century, Giotto was the harbinger of a new, very modern artistic language in Padua. In the Scrovegni Chapel the master's pictorial talent is joined by that of the most important Tuscan sculptor of the time, Giovanni Pisano, whose sacred conversation still excites with its modern approach. After 1370, Giusto de' Menabuoi was active in the city for about twenty years, called to work for the Carraresi court. He leaves important testimonies to the Saint, in the Baptistery of the Cathedral and in the Church of the Eremitani. He will be succeeded by another Tuscan, that Cennino Cennini who linked his fame to the publication of the Libro dell'arte, a treatise on painting techniques probably composed during his stay in Padua. There is mainly documentary information about the activity of Niccolò Baroncelli, a Florentine, present in the city from 1436 until around 1442. of which, however, a terracotta bas-relief and the side portal of the Eremitani church are still preserved. FromFrom 1444 to 1453 Donatello is in Padua. The Basilica of Sant'Antonio hosts three of the four masterpieces that the artist left in the city: a bronze crucifix, an altar with bronze statues and tiles and an equestrian statue located at the northern end of the churchyard of the basilica. Recently another work - a wooden crucifix preserved in the Servi church - has been attributed to the hand of the Tuscan sculptor. Revolutionary, modern, innovators here are the Tuscan artists of the 14th and 15th centuries. Their artistic language, distorting local production, marks new artistic paths to give life to an art that still amazes and excites today.